Granby Fire - Rescue COVID Precautions

Posted: 2/14/2021

To all Granby Residents and our Business Community

In order to continue providing the best services to our community the Granby Fire-Rescue Department’s Administrative offices will be limiting our face-to-face interactions when possible. We are concerned with the health and well-being of our staff as well as the public we serve. As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread our goal is to maintain a healthy workforce for the continuation of services without resorting to contingency plans.

Therefore, until further notice the Granby Fire-Rescue Department IS NOT taking walk-ins for burn permits or non-essential business permit inquiries that could be handled either electronically, through the mail, or over the phone.

Although we understand this is an inconvenience, as a first-responder agency it is in the best interest of the public that we neither contribute to nor increase our own chances of contracting the virus. Our highest priority has to be preserving and maintaining critical Fire and EMS services to our community through our staff who provide those services.

Also, to anyone who needs to call 9-1-1 for an emergency, please be prepared to answer additional questions from the operator to help the first responders understand the status of the situation so they can be well prepared in their response. Additional protective equipment may be required for our patients and those nearby if the situation warrants. Everyone’s cooperation is essential.

Please understand that (outside of emergency calls) precautions such as keeping a “safe distance”, not shaking hands, etc. are being followed in the interest of containment. Again, this is out of an abundance of caution to keep our staff and the public safe and not an indicator of the first responders’ friendliness or willingness to help

Rest assured that we are here for you, as you would expect. IF YOU NEED US CALL US. The only thing we are temporarily changing is the in-office interaction and the manner in which we provide our services -not the quality of the services we provide.

We thank you for your cooperation and consideration.

Robert Czerwinski
Interim Fire Chief